
One of the most common conditions people have is hemorrhoids. They affect all age groups and the good thing is that they usually go away on their own. In some cases, over-the-counter medication is recommended to alleviate the symptoms; in others, non-surgical and surgical solutions are required to get rid of the issue completely.

In this article, we share key information about hemorrhoids and what to do with them. Further, how to prevent them by carrying a healthy lifestyle, which is also helpful to prevent other conditions that are more serious.

About Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, which are enlarged and bulging veins that grow outside and inside the rectum and anus, are typical problems that people experience. Rectal hemorrhage and discomfort are possible effects. Hemorrhoids are a common birth defect, but they are not bothersome until they swell and start to produce uncomfortable symptoms.

Hemorrhoids can affect anyone at any age, but as you become older, your risk of getting them rises. They may be more common in some populations, including those who are expecting, obese or overweight, spend a lot of time on the toilet, and others.

Types Of Hemorrhoids

There are three types of hemorrhoids: external, internal, and prolapsed. The first one involves the veins forming below the skin around the anus, which causes pain and a lot of itchiness as well as sometimes bleeding, increasing these symptoms. Internal hemorrhoids happen when the veins form inside the rectum. This type also causes bleeding but is not as painful as the previous one.

Finally, the last type of hemorrhoid is called prolapsed and can cause internal and external veins to stretch outside the anus. Occasional bleeding and pain are present too. A prolapsed internal hemorrhoid can occur when a person strains to use the restroom, pushing the internal hemorrhoid out of the anus. Hemorrhoids can do this, which results in mucus adhering to the anus skin’s outer layer and irritating and itching the area. The discomfort, itching, and suffering will worsen if you do nothing.

Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids

Internally developing hemorrhoids rarely cause discomfort unless they prolapse. Because internal hemorrhoids don’t cause pain or other symptoms, many people with them are unaware that they have them.

Blood in the tool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl, which denotes rectal bleeding, are symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. In terms of external hemorrhoids, symptoms include rectal bleeding, discomfort when sitting, itchiness in the anus, and hard lumps close to the anus that may be painful or uncomfortable.

Hemorrhoids can be treated at home by acquiring over-the-counter medicines to reduce discomfort and itching, which can continue for a little more than a week. Drinking more water, eating more fiber, and using special toilet paper or wet wipes to hydrate the area and keep it clean are some preventative measures for hemorrhoids.

Causes Of Hemorrhoids

In contrast to hemorrhoids, the lower gastrointestinal tract’s veins are normally not dilated. However, these veins’ outer walls will swell and expand under stress or pressure, causing the vein to protrude outward and result in hemorrhoids. This can occur for a variety of causes, such as pregnancy, obesity, constipation, and more.

Hemorrhoids frequently result during pregnancy because the increased weight that pregnant women carry puts additional pressure on these veins, increasing the likelihood that hemorrhoids may develop. Similar to pregnancy, having a lot of additional weight on your body puts too much pressure on the lower gastrointestinal tract’s veins and mucosa.

At work or home, standing or sitting for extended periods puts strain on the delicate tissues of the anus and bowel. Hemorrhoids can also be brought on by constipation or straining during bowel movements, thus making a lot of effort to go to the bathroom puts too much pressure on the anus and rectum’s sensitive veins and results in hemorrhoids.

Coughing or sneezing can temporarily raise intra-abdominal pressure, which might damage vein walls and lead to hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can develop as a result of straining to lift or push big objects, much like when it comes to bowel movements. There is some research that suggests there is a hereditary component to the propensity to develop hemorrhoids. You may be more likely to develop hemorrhoids if your parents had them frequently.

In addition to the previously listed factors, age also affects the development of hemorrhoids. Older persons are more prone to developing hemorrhoids because blood vessel walls become thinner with age.

Treating Hemorrhoids

The majority of hemorrhoids can be treated at home, although surgery may be required for severe or prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. Depending on the type of hemorrhoid you have and the advised course of action, doctors can execute a variety of operations both in their office and in a hospital. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, these are the standard procedures for hemorrhoids.

A typical procedure is called sclerotherapy, in which a doctor injects a substance into internal hemorrhoids to create scar tissue. Hemorrhoids contract as a result of the disruption to the blood supply. The second approach is known as electrocoagulation, and it works similarly to the first one in that a doctor uses a specialized tool to apply electrical currents to internal hemorrhoids, causing scar tissue to form and using the same processes and methodology as just described before.

Another widely used method is called rubber band ligation, which involves a medical expert wrapping a special rubber band around a hemorrhoid’s base to cut off its blood supply and cause it to shrink.

The last procedure in the non-surgical approach is infrared photocoagulation. By using a device that delivers infrared radiation to internal hemorrhoids, medical professionals can cause scar tissue to grow, obstructing the blood flow and causing hemorrhoids to shrink.

Grades Of Hemorrhoids

There are 4 grades of hemorrhoids according to the Mayo Clinic. Grade I happens when hemorrhoids bleed but don’t prolapse. Grade II, on the other hand, involves prolapsing hemorrhoids outside the anal canal but reduces spontaneously. As for grade III, hemorrhoids protrude outside the anal canal and often require manual reduction. Lastly, grade IV are irreducible hemorrhoids that are constantly prolapsing.

Are Hemorrhoids Bad?

Not really. Hemorrhoids don’t present a threat, but if the symptoms don’t go away on their own or after using over-the-counter medication for two weeks, visit your doctor to rule out any other possible underlying conditions.

Other than hemorrhoids, there may be a few other reasons why you suffer anal irritation. Yeast infections, anal fissures, stool leaks, proctitis, sweat accumulation, herpes, ringworm, scabies, genital warts, body lice, psoriasis, and malignancy are additional causes of this.

Both poor hygiene and overcleaning the area can result in itching, as the ingredients in lotions, cleansers, and wipes can dry up the skin and produce microscopic rips and fissures.

How To Prevent Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids affect everybody. There are a number of internal and exterior blood arteries close to your anus that supply the entire region with blood. These blood vessels only cause an issue that can be very painful when they begin to expand and get irritated.

The greatest advice for preventing hemorrhoids is to have soft stools that can pass freely without the need for excessive pressure. In addition to this, there are a few things to remember in order to maintain good health and avoid using a scalpel as much as possible.

In order to soften the stool and prevent the straining that leads to hemorrhoids, you must first consume meals high in fiber. These foods—vegetables, whole grains, and fruits—should be gradually incorporated into your diet to prevent bloating, indigestion, and gas problems. If you have trouble consuming the necessary amount of fiber each day, discuss the possibility of taking fiber supplements with your doctor.

Additionally, staying hydrated will keep your stool soft and enable you to use the restroom more regularly. Doctors advise consuming 6 to 8 glasses of water per day, if at all possible. Thirdly, use the restroom as soon as you feel the need to. Waiting for the sensation to go away may lead your stool to become dry, making it difficult to pass. This does not entail sitting for extended amounts of time in the toilet, which could put more strain on the veins in your anus and make matters more difficult.

To avoid constipation and lower vascular pressure, experts advise remaining active and participating in physical exercise at least three times per week. Additionally, it can aid in weight loss, which may lessen the risk of hemorrhoids appearing.

When Can Be Treated With Over-The-Counter Products?

For people who are only beginning to experience a little pain and discomfort, hemorrhoids are not particularly difficult to treat and do not necessitate an immediate surgical remedy. Treatment is usually not required because they usually go away on their own after one to two weeks, but you can reduce the symptoms by using effective over-the-counter drugs or at-home remedies like cold packs or saltwater baths.

Look for over-the-counter medications that contain hydrocortisone, lidocaine, or witch hazel. You can also think about boosting your intake of fiber by eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water.

Over-The-Counter Options For Hemorrhoids

There are numerous hemorrhoid treatments available in creams, ointments, wipes, and other forms. Hemorrhoid creams are excellent for temporarily reducing pain, swelling, and burning feelings, and because of the ingredients in them, they can also restrict the blood vessels in the affected area, as recommended by WebMD. Additionally, it serves as a local anesthetic, furthering the cream’s overall objective.

To keep your skin from becoming irritated by hemorrhoids and touch with stool, some hemorrhoid creams may contain particular ingredients that hydrate your skin, such as cocoa butter or mineral oil. It’s simple to use hemorrhoid creams; all you need to do is adhere to the directions on the packaging. If you have any questions, see a physician or a pharmacist.

Basically, all you have to do is apply the product to the skin’s affected area up to four times a day. Doctors advise doing it first thing in the morning, before getting dressed, and after every bowel movement. Never put cream high up within the rectum; instead, apply it to the lower portion of your anus using the applicator that came with the cream.

Another great medication is suppositories for hemorrhoids. They are advised for mild hemorrhoid pain and consist of a cream, oil, and medication. They are made of a material that melts at body temperature. This makes it possible for the active ingredients in the suppository to be spread out and absorbed into the bloodstream. By lubricating the anal area and restricting swelling veins, they work to relieve discomfort.

Hemorrhoid suppositories come in a variety of varieties, each with a unique use and effect on different people. They differ generally in how well they relieve constipation, swelling, burning, and other typical hemorrhoid side effects.

Due to hemorrhoid swelling and the added pressure you place on the area while seated, you experience pain when you sit. It gets worse the longer you sit, but this doesn’t have to be the case. It is advisable to occasionally take a short stroll around the office if you must sit for extended periods of time because of your job, for example, and to use a hemorrhoid cushion.

You can sit comfortably while avoiding increasing pressure on the affected area by using a hemorrhoid pillow. Additionally, regular usage of one helps lessen swelling and generally ease your discomfort. It’s crucial that you remain upright and move around when utilizing this pillow.

Hemorrhoid wipes and pads are advised for cleaning the outer part of the vaginal area following childbirth or the rectal area following rectal surgery, as well as for alleviating itchiness, burning, and irritation. They can be applied daily to clean the region, lessen discomfort, and eradicate any bacteria that could be present. The majority of wipes are biodegradable and best flushed down the toilet, but you should carefully read the label to be certain.

When traveling, these wipes are ideal for reducing hemorrhoid discomfort. By switching to wipes, you can keep your skin moisturized and reduce your risk of developing hemorrhoids or other issues in the future, even if you don’t have hemorrhoids or have previously gotten rid of them.

Hemorrhoids’ swelling and discomfort can be reduced by applying ice packs or a cold compress to the anal region. Applying ice to the affected area can reduce the symptoms, but only temporarily. You must also be careful not to contact the skin with ice. To protect your skin, wrap the ice pack in a paper towel or other thin fabric before using it.

Since icing has a tendency to obstruct the blood flow to hemorrhoids, which are swollen blood vessels present in the rectal area, icing will initially minimize and then gradually reduce the swelling. By using daily ice for one to three days, the resultant edema can be greatly alleviated.

Do Hemorrhoids Disappear By Themselves?

Small hemorrhoids typically disappear on their own in a few days. Larger hemorrhoids, especially those that are extremely painful, swollen, or itchy, may not go away on their own and may need medical attention to heal. Hemorrhoids may only disappear in pregnant people after giving birth.

After being treated, hemorrhoids have the potential to recur. If you experience hemorrhoids that don’t go away or keep recurring, a gastroenterologist can offer advice on treatment options.

When Are Hemorrhoids Not Ok?

You should seek emergency help if you have hemorrhoids and your temperature is very high or you have shivers and feel generally unwell; you can’t stop bleeding; you’re in a lot of pain; you have pus leaking from your hemorrhoids. What’s more, consider it a medical emergency and go to the emergency room if your rectal bleeding won’t stop and you feel lightheaded or faint.

You will initially talk about your symptoms when you visit your doctor for hemorrhoids. To obtain the best diagnosis, make sure to provide clear and honest answers to all questions. Then, your doctor will check you for internal and external hemorrhoids as well as any other potential problems.

General Info About Hemorrhoids Conclusion

We aim to help you understand what hemorrhoids are, how they can impact you, and what to do before it is too late.

Luckily, hemorrhoids are not something to worry about if caught early, therefore if you notice any bleeding or pain that doesn’t go away after a few days, either buy an over-the-counter treatment or talk to a doctor for a deeper analysis of your situation.

The most important thing to prevent hemorrhoids and have a healthy body is to eat a balanced diet, with fiber, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, drink plenty of fluids, engage in physical activity a few times a week, and have a proper hygiene routine.